One steals not the neighbor’s treasure. But, if said neighbor offers nae spells or other strong methods of protection around said treasure, nae one but the now previous owner shall hold the blame. This includes all treasure left unguarded, neighbor or not, for if a pirate guards not his treasure, deserves he does to have it taken.
Nae honor is there in attacking another pirate upon shore, always are battles fought upon the sea. Unless, one is routing unwanted curs from said shores.
‘Tis not done to shanghai another pirate with the sole purpose of stranding him or her upon a deserted island. Nae honor is there within this method. Especially without leaving a way for said pirate to end his or her existence when starvation is eminent.
One does not board another’s boat without permission from the captain to board. If one does dare such a thing, ‘tis tantamount to an attack and the captain is within his or her rights to go on the offensive.
When one does have permission to board another’s boat, ‘tis always done to greet the captain before the conducting of any business. If one does not greet the captain, the visitor should hold nae surprise when he or she becomes uninvited or tossed overboard.
When playing a game of cards, ‘tis expected of everyone to cheat, for the one who cheats best and most often wins the game. But one must always remember the Golden Rule: Cheat if ye will, but never get caught doing so—it not only ruins the game, nae one wants to play with a cheater.
‘Tis never done to divulge the hidden name of a pirate to those not pirate out of spite of that pirate, even if that pirate has done one wrong.
Never is one to betray one's crewmates.
Aye, exceptions there are to every rule, but 'tis a rare occurrence and a good reason there better be for it.
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